Case Study - Low Carbon Concrete Sidewalks - City of Portland, OR

Hi folks,

I’m happy to share a successful case study we recently completed with numerous partners in the Portland Regional Hub.

The case study provides information on the City of Portland’s first round of low-carbon concrete pilot projects, featuring sidewalk ramps within the City’s Bureau of Transportation. The goal of the pilot project was to understand how the mixes perform, both in terms of technical requirements and workability. Overall, the low-carbon mixes met the City’s concrete performance specifications, were well received by the concrete finishers, were cost-neutral or less expensive, and performed well in in the post- project visual inspections – all while reducing the carbon footprint of an average sidewalk ramp by 23- 34%.

Please do share with your networks. Collectively, there are a lot of sidewalks being poured. Sidewalks are simple and low risk applications for low carbon concrete mixes.

Jordan Palmeri
Oregon Dept of Environmental Quality


Hi Jordan, really great case study! It has actually inspired a new initiative in New York State that will involve multiple local governments piloting low carbon sidewalk mixes in the first half of 2021. I look forward to keeping you and the CLF community up to date on our progress.


Christopher, This is SO COOL! Thanks for sharing the news. Keep us posted.