Embodied carbon calculation methodology for MEP (when no EPDs are available)

Hi CLF community,
just wanted to let you know that CIBSE just released a new technical memorandum: CIBSE TM65 Embodied carbon in building services: A calculation methodology. This calculation methodology provides an opportunity to create conservative embodied carbon baseline for MEP when no further information is available (meaning EPDs) to be able to start doing research studies in a consistent way while waiting EPDs to become mainstream. At the moment, it is quite UK/Europe centric, but we are planning to add an addendum for each region to set the right local assumptions. A technical committee should be set up by region, if you are expert in Embodied carbon and or MEP and interested by this, please reach out to me!

See link to the TM: CIBSE - Building Services Knowledge - apologies, it is only free for CIBSE members
See article on this: Heart of the matter: calculating embodied carbon using TM65 – CIBSE Journal
Also fyi a full hour webinar on this is scheduled on the 25th of February, see link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8454027670412156684?source=CIBSE+Website


@StephCarlisle - should we connect on this? @ksimonen suggested it

A Non-EU specific Accounting Methodology for Products with and without EPDs coming soon in the US through the World Resources Institute as a bolt on to the GHG Protocol. Will keep you posted but wanted to share its forthcoming release likely early Q2.

Thanks for sharing @William , looking forward to knowing more. Would it apply to any construction equipment? Is there any way we could have an introduction as we are making progress on our hand on the US methodology?