It’s official! Hempcrete is now approved in US Residential Building Codes
Hempcrete has found its place in US residential building codes. Thanks to a multiyear effort by US Hemp Building Association volunteers and consultants, Appendix BL Hemp Lime (Hempcrete) Construction is now available in the International Code Council’s International Residential Code (IRC 2024).
Another barrier removed to build sustainable, low-carbon healthy homes in the United States!
The IRC is a model code for one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses, and is the basis for the residential code in 48 states (not WI, AR). But it must be adopted by a state or local jurisdiction to be enforceable.
Further, IRC appendices must be explicitly adopted, and many states do not adopt many IRC appendices.
Most states are in the middle of their 3-year cycle adoption of the 2024 IRC. If Appendix BL is not adopted by a state or local jurisdiction (including now) or if a project falls outside the IRC’s scope (e.g., commercial, institutional, multi-unit residential) Appendix BL can be proposed for use on a project basis to the local building official.
Find the link here: