*Note the 9am meeting time. The webinar will be recorded as well.
This month our meeting will look a little different. We are partnering with Built Environment + and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to bring you all a webinar on the Embodied Carbon Reduction Challenge Competition held this past spring. The competition was designed to spur embodied carbon understanding, assessment, and reduction for new construction and major renovation projects in process or built in Massachusetts, and the 16 submissions showcased a variety of strategies and success in embodied carbon reductions. The webinar will focus on sharing lessons learned from these real-world projects which are transferrable to other projects in North America.
To attend the webinar you will need to sign up with this link. https://builtenvironmentplus.org/event/embodied-carbon-reduction-challenge-lessons-learned-and-case-studies-12-19-24/?mc_cid=0acf5f515d
We hope to see you there!