We are coordinating an effort to produce a “Building Reuse Practice Guide for Climate Action” for the AIA. This is intended as a resource for architects working on major renovations and adaptive reuse, with a focus on reducing energy use, lower embodied carbon, electrification, and adapting to a changing climate. We are looking for around 5 projects to be featured as case studies. The initial call is looking for submissions by June 10 If you know of a great example that other architects could learn from, please fill out the form linked here to suggest it!
We’ve got one - the LCA is already written up here, and the building is going all-electric and carbon-neutral this summer!
I’ll add it to your form, but thought it’d be useful to also share the case study we already have written and self-published on our website.
We have an excellent candidate, but there are still some gas services
Did you submit this project? The form is still open and we’d love to have your project in the case studies we consider!
That’s OK Scott! Please submit it anyway. The form is still open
The call is extended and open for a few more weeks. Please submit your candidates here! While the studies will focus on reducing energy use, lower embodied carbon, electrification, and adapting to a changing climate, projects do not have to be fully electrified to be considered if it has other strong aspects to share!
Pretty sure we did? But if it doesn’t show up on your end, let me know and I’ll fill it out!
hi @eescott - nice case study! The operational + embodied carbon payback period gets really interesting when you incorporate grid decarbonization commitments as well. As we continue to transition to renewables, the operational contribution will increasingly diminish. We were looking at this on a recent study in MA (targeting a net-zero grid by 2050) and found that even a new, more efficient building would be close to and potentially never offset the upfront embodied carbon cost compared to an energy retrofit of the existing building.