Carbon Storage Quantification

hey @will.nash - I’m not familiar with Quantis’ methodology, but I’d reference this table that @jayarehart shared elsewhere on the CLF community. If I look at the baseline assumptions in the WWF tool, a tree would have a rotation period of ~70yrs and assumed life of 50yrs as a building material. From the table, that looks like a GWP100 factor of 10-15% and you’d need to use the material for closer to 100yrs to get up to a factor of 70%

So it’s better to find products that grow quick and last a long time!
Jay – correct me if I’m wrong anywhere :slightly_smiling_face:

I think this probably has some assumptions baked in for sourcing forest model and EoL*

WWF tool excerpt (more plots, figures, and customization possible in the tool!)