2 CLF Vancouver Events: Biogenic Carbon Accounting for Wood and Vancouver's Embodied Carbon Policy Roadmap

Join us for the last two CLF Vancouver online events of the year on biogenic carbon of wood products and the City of Vancouver’s Embodied Carbon Policy Roadmap to 2030.

Biogenic Carbon Accounting of Wood Products in Whole Building Life Cycle Assessments

Wednesday, November 25th, 12:00-1:30pm PST (Zoom)

Our next event will give an overview of a complex and important topic—how biogenic carbon of wood products are accounted for in Whole Building Life Cycle Assessments (WB-LCA).

I will be presenting my summary of the latest research and information on this topic, which is for a study commissioned by the City of Vancouver.

This presentation will cover:

  • What is biogenic carbon, and why is it important?
  • Overview of how biogenic carbon is addressed in common LCA standards and the latest industry average EPDs for wood products.
  • How do different WB-LCA software tools (i.e. Athena IE4B, Tally, and One Click LCA) address biogenic carbon? What are the underlying assumptions, and how do they impact WB-LCA case study results?
  • Introduction to GWPbio, a dynamic approach to modelling biogenic carbon that accounts for factors such as forest rotation period and product carbon storage period.
  • Presentation of preliminary calculations using the newly released Biogenic Carbon Footprints Calculator for Harvested Wood Products by WWF and Quantis, which builds on the latest research on GWPbio.

Register for free webinar (Nov. 25th)

The City of Vancouver’s Embodied Carbon Policy Roadmap to 2030

Wednesday, December 9thth, 12:00-1:30pm PST (Zoom)

On Nov. 17th, City Council approved the City of Vancouver’s Climate Emergency Action Plan, which includes what we believe is the most ambitious embodied carbon policy in North America (perhaps even globally)!

This is why we are very excited to have Patrick Enright from the City of Vancouver to share about Vancouver’s bold plan for establishing one of the first limits on embodied carbon globally. He will present the roadmap for reaching the target of at least 40% reduction in embodied carbon in all new buildings by 2030, relative to a 2018 baseline. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and group discussion after Patrick’s presentation.

We hope you can join us, as we would love to hear your perspective. People outside of Vancouver are definitely welcome, as we hope to inspire other municipalities to take ambitious action on embodied carbon as well!

Register for free webinar (Dec. 9th)

Anthony Pak
Founder of CLF Vancouver
Principal at Priopta


The recording for my biogenic carbon presentation is on our CLF Vancouver YouTube channel now, including slides for download in the video description. It’s a long video, but there are time stamps for each section of the presentation.

We still have our event next week on the City of Vancouver’s embodied carbon policy roadmap. Register here:


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We have just uploaded the video from last week’s CLF Vancouver event, where Patrick Enright presented on the City of Vancouver’s Embodied Carbon Policy Roadmap to 2030.