Embodied Carbon for on-site Battery Storage for Buildings

Hi all

I have been trawling the internet for a good long while but have not been able to find a EPD, or any documentation for on-site battery storage equipment, like a Tesla Powerpack, or LGChem product for a commercial application.
All the stuff I did find was related to lithium ion in electric vehicles.

If anyone has been any publications, or know who I can reach out to, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Andy

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Hi Andy, I’ve assumed 100 kgCO2e/kWh of battery capacity when looking at solar arrays. This is based off GHG Emissions from the production of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles in China
You might have found this already.

Hi Andy,

Good question – I haven’t seen many publications focused on stationary batteries, and this is a gap in the literature. I’ve researched lifecycle GHG emissions for battery energy storage systems, and would be happy to discuss our approach for understanding the embodied carbon of storage batteries using available relevant data from literature and lifecycle databases.

Please reach out if you’d like to connect, and good luck!
