Low-Embodied Carbon Concrete Resolution, Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, NY


On Monday May 18, 2020 the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, NY passed a resolution committing the local government to promoting the use of low-embodied carbon concrete (LECC) products for building and infrastructure projects within the Village.

The Hastings Resolution was modeled in part on the CO2 mineralized concrete resolutions passed by Honolulu, HI, Austin, TX, and the US Conference of Mayors. While those resolutions focused exclusively on CO2 mineralized concrete, this resolution takes a broader approach by promoting the use of all low-embodied carbon concrete products. Additionally, the language of the Hastings Resolution allows it to be easily replicated by municipalities throughout the country.

Adopting a resolution like this is an excellent first step for municipalities interested in implementing a low-embodied carbon concrete procurement policy OR incorporating low-embodied carbon concrete into the local building code. In an effort to help municipalities implement LECC procurement policies or building codes, the OpenAir Collective is working on a practical “how-to” guide/toolkit geared specifically for local-level governments.

Posting here to get feedback and any suggestions for future adoption of the resolution. Also looking for anyone interested in helping spread the resolution and potentially getting it passed in their own local municipalities.


That’s really interesting. Are you local to Hastings?

Yes, I’m local to Hastings. Born and raised here, but I just returned after 10 years away.