Does anyone have data that would help establish a list of materials ranked by their GWP in buildings? I realize that this is a tall order due to the variables (building type, stages considered, geographic location, building system scope, modeling completeness, etc.).
I have researched this some to try and develop a list, but always come up short after the top 5 or so materials, and think that data from a number of robust WBLCAs might extend the ranking list to the top 10 or 15 materials.
Colorado is in its first year of implementation of the Buy Clean Colorado act and is interested in this type of information for considering how this act might evolve in the future. Buy Clean legislation has expanded to 4 or 5 states, and national legislation is on the agenda as well, so this is becoming an important topic.
One good research paper on this topic published in Nature Communications by Zhong and others can be found here:(Global greenhouse gas emissions from residential and commercial building materials and mitigation strategies to 2060 | Nature Communications).
Other research papers I have found focus on the top five or six construction materials in use: steel, concrete, aluminum, copper, wood, and glass, looking at the historical and future material flows from a supply and demand perspective. This type of research also delves into material intensity for different building types, but again from the perspective of the top five or six materials.
Are others in the community working on this topic?
Thanks, Bob Redwine, Colorado Embodied Carbon Collaborative