SE 2050 Virtual Information Session (CLF Austin)

CLF Austin’s next event is going to be a virtual SE 2050 information session on Thursday, September 30th from 11am-12:30pm. You may register for the event here; please share with any and all interested building design professionals at your firm and in your network. While the commitment is for structural engineers, this session will be valuable for others in the AEC space (architects, owners, etc.) to learn about the commitment and what it can mean for their projects.

SE 2050 is a commitment program calling for structural engineers to reach zero embodied carbon in structural systems by 2050. SE 2050’s mission is to transform the practice of structural engineering in a way that is holistic, firm-wide, project based, and data-driven. By prioritizing reduction of embodied carbon, through the use of less and/or less impactful structural materials, participating firms can more easily work toward net zero embodied carbon structural systems by 2050.

We will discuss the SE 2050 program mechanics and database before having a representative from a signatory firm share their experience with the commitment. If you have any particular questions you want us to address, send us an email or ask us during the Q&A at the end of the presentation.

We hope to see you at this event!

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