Stainless Steel EPD

Can anyone point me in the direction of an appropriate EPD for structural stainless steel? CAN/US preferably. I haven’t found anything relevant in my searches yet.

Here’s one I found from googling…I haven’t actually looked through its content.
Not North American - Finnish company, IBU (Germany) program operator - but perhaps better than nothing…

press release:


There are four EPD from Outokumpu in the IBU programme, which cover a range of products, and sites including some in the US.
There is also three EPD in EPD Norge for stainless steel and

Thanks both!

An EPD for structural stainless steel in CAN/US ain’t easy to find, but keep looking! EPD means Environmental Product Declaration, which tells ya 'bout the environmental impact of a product. Stainless steel is a strong, shiny metal that don’t rust easily. Just keep searching, you’ll find what you need!