Two great upcoming series

Passing on info about two excellent upcoming series hosted by AIA:

Materials Matter - April 7, April 21, May 5, and May 19
Materials Matter (hosted by AIA MN but welcome to all) is a five-session series delivering comprehensive, high-level knowledge and strategies for assessing and selecting healthy, sustainable materials. Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice.

The first session was this Wednesday, but there are still 4 great session (all with great CLF Network speakers!) Each session is Wednesday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm CT and provides 4.0 HSW LUs.

  • April 7 - Healthy People: Materials Science + Human Health
  • April 21 - Tools of the Trade: Assessment + Implementation (morning led by CLF)
  • May 5 - Just Do It: Strategies for Projects
  • May 19 - Beyond Transparency: Materials Disclosure + Practice

Just Transition: Upstream and Downstream Impacts of Decarbonization - May 17-19
Join AIA Seattle May 17-19 to explore the equity and social justice impacts of a transition to clean energy sources, materials, and processes. AEC professionals are working on design and policy changes to rapidly eliminate carbon emissions from our built environment. What are the upstream and downstream impacts of these changes on jobs, housing affordability, health and communities? What additional considerations and voices should be brought into our decision-making processes? How can we push aggressively towards our climate goals while simultaneously supporting the call for justice and human rights that 2020 has reminded us to answer? Considering the transitions toward 1) the electrification of everything, 2) sustainable material sourcing and 3) building more resilient frontline communities, this year’s thought leadership summit will help us identify and address the impacts and opportunities those transitions have on our most vulnerable communities.