Construction Carbon Regulations: Review and Best Practices in Europe

Hi community!

Together with the Finnish Ministry of Environment and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, at One Click LCA we published a comprehensive review on carbon regulations and associated LCA databases in Europe.

It has been in the making for quite some time now and the report covers all relevant regulations or regulatory projects identified and analyses in more detail the existing and expected national regulations in Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK as well as any associated LCA databases.

Following the analysis, the regulations were scored and benchmarked with each other based on the decarbonization impact they have, as well as the openness of the policy - including alignment with the European standards.

You can download the report from here!


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Carbon-ML Steel Powerpoint v3.pptx (5.0 MB)

Related report here [EU policy models for reducing whole-life carbon of buildings (]: (EU policy models for reducing whole-life carbon of buildings)

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