Hi everyone,
We have just created a YouTube channel for ECN Vancouver, where we have posted all of the past recorded presentations, including the ones from our most recent event on Monday. Where available, we’ve also include links to the presentation slides in the video description. Here’s a list of the 6 videos we’ve just uploaded.
Mass Timber and Embodied Carbon - March 16, 2020
The Climate Conundrums of Biogenic Carbon - Geoffrey Guest (National Research Council)
Mass Timber and Embodied Carbon - Lindsay Rasmussen (Architecture 2030)
A Brief Comparison of Forest Certifications - Eric Wood (Morrison Hershfield)
Q&A for All Presenters - Mass Timber and Embodied Carbon
Past ECN Vancouver Events
Concrete and Cement Solutions for Embodied Carbon - Matt Dalkie (Lafarge)
Embodied Carbon Construction Calculator (EC3) Tool - Phil Northcott (C-Change Labs)
Click subscribe on our YouTube channel to see new videos as we upload them.
Given the current situation with COVID-19, we will be doing online-only events for the next little while, which means we can engage a much wider range of attendees beyond Vancouver. For our most recent webinar, we had people from across Canada, the United States, Europe, and Australia sign up. We’ll likely do more interactive discussion-based online events as well, so stay tuned!
Stay safe and healthy!
Anthony Pak
Founder at ECN Vancouver