May 2021 Meeting of the Embodied Carbon NGO Roundtable

The second quarterly meeting of 2021 took place on May 13. 24 people attended the meeting representing 20 organizations.

The 2021 Context

Ed Mazria from Architecture 2030 reported on 2021 global context for the decarbonization of built environments, including a focus on embodied carbon and with emphasis on the Built Environment Summit, COP26 Cities, Built Environment Day and the 1.5°C Communiqué.

Carbon-storing Materials

Chris Magwood (Endeavour Centre) and Julie Kriegh (CLF and Kriegh Architecture Studio) present research & findings from the CLF’s Carbon-Storing Materials research publication.

Leadership Summit on Wood, Carbon, & Forests

Report from Rachel Baker (Washington Environmental Council) on the April Leadership Summit on Wood, Carbon, & Forests, convened to harness the power of the green building movement to realize wood’s potential as a climate solution.

Reports from Roundtable member organizations:

  • Zero Net Carbon Collaboration (ZNCC) – Larry Strain reporting on the new “2Build or Not 2Build” tool for calculating the carbon difference between deep retrofit versus demolish/build new.
  • Ralph DiNola on New Building Institute’s Getting to Zero Initiative, Next Gen, focus on Building Decarbonization Codes.
  • Meghan Lewis on the Carbon Leadership Forum’s new Toolkit for Building Owners Working to Reduce Embodied Carbon
  • Stacy Smedley from Building Transparency on evolution of EC3 tool plus the new openEPD standard for digital EPDs
  • Cecile Faraud and Tessa Devreese from C40 with two important updates on 1) MOU that C40 has signed with Buildings and Wood Workers International, a global union, and 2) Upcoming E-learning course from C40
  • Elaine Oneill from CORRIM with a new report on Trillion Trees campaign and analysis of carbon mitigation by a combination of tree-planting and sustainable forestry to create wood-based building materials.

The NGO Roundtable has the following objectives:

  • Share news, strategic plans, resources, and tools related to embodied carbon.
  • Report planning and future dates for conferences, webinars, and meetings.
  • Inspire and facilitate ongoing communication and conversation among key leaders related to embodied carbon.
  • Encourage convergence on shared embodied carbon terminology, data standards, benchmarks, and targets for embodied carbon reduction.

The next two meetings of the NGO Roundtable are scheduled for

  • Thursday, July 15 at 8AM PST.
  • Thursday, October 14 at 8 AM PST

Have an item for the agenda?

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