Top 10 Ways to Build Regional Hubs by Leveraging CLF Community/Resources

The potential members of your Regional Hub will be attracted by discovering and developing connections, accessing information and inspiration, identifying personal and professional opportunities, and taking meaningful action with friends and allies. A great way to build a Regional Hub is to have your members collaboratively engaged in a concrete project that can move the embodied carbon needle in your region. Here are some ideas for building membership, engagement, and action in your Hub:

  1. Leverage the CLF Membership list. (e.g., if you are planning outreach or event in Providence, RI, ask @clf-admin to send a message or share names of all CLF members in Rhode Island.)

  2. Ask @clf-admin to add all current CLF Members in your city to your online Regional Hub group

  3. Send messages/announcements to all your Regional Hub members using the Message button in your Regional Hub

  4. Nominate your Members to be highlighted in Member Impact

  5. Invite your members to develop and submit Case Studies

  6. Create a feature story on your Regional Hub for the CLF Monthly newsletter plus web site
    (@clf-admin can provide guidelines for submissions).

  7. Ask your Members to enrich the CLF Resource Library by submitting content

  8. Recruit corporate sponsors for CLF itself and for your Regional Hub

  9. Reach out with invitations to the larger community outside current members of your Regional Hub - AIA COTE, ASCE, ILFI, USGBC, owners, developers, students, policy folks.

  10. Identify specific roles for volunteers within your Regional Hub

    • Member engagement manager looks to pair collaboration partners
    • Case study recruiter seeks out and promotes submissions to CLF Resource Library
    • Policy lead reports news about local and regional EC policy and opportunities for Members to be policy advocates
    • Meeting and event coordinators