EC3 Pulling wrong EPDs from Revit Families

I am using TallyCAT to export families from Revit into EC3. We are using the Revit naming guidance for EC3 document. But even assigning the correct named materials in Revit, it doesn’t pull the correct epd collection. For instance HSS sections are pulling as Hot-Rolled Sections instead of Hollow Sections. Even though the material is name Steel, Hollow Sections. Does anyone know exactly how EC3 is pulling the EPDs for the Revit families so I know what to adjust to make it select them correctly when exporting.

Hi Diane, my previous experience was similar to yours - some adjustments are needed when going over the EC3 export. To take a guess at their material-assigning methods, I think it has to do with the material assignment inside the “Type Properties” panel. Tally works similarly. The name of the family or material doesn’t seem to matter as much, but what it is assigned to inside the properties panel was more influential per my previous experience with the software. Attaching a screenshot below.