Embodied Carbon Bootcamp and Symposium for Structural Engineers: July 25-27

Are you a structural engineer :construction_worker_woman: who is…

  • New to embodied carbon? :leaves:
  • Started measuring embodied carbon on projects, but wanting to learn more? :bar_chart:
  • An embodied carbon enthusiast looking to share knowledge? :nerd_face:

The University of Colorado Boulder is hosting an Embodied Carbon Bootcamp and Symposium for structural engineers this summer between July 25th and 27th!

This event is designed to be an on-ramp for structural engineers looking to become leaders in embodied carbon.

Days 1 & 2 will engage attendees in classroom-style instruction to bring everybody up to speed on the fundamentals and best practices.

Day 3 will be a symposium with both practitioners and academics presenting on advancements in how structural engineers can engage in embodied carbon.

Symposium: Embodied Carbon in Structural Engineering

As you are already on this forum, you most likely have some experience in embodied carbon. We’d welcome you sharing your knowledge through a presentation during the symposium day.

The symposium will consist of presentations from academics and practitioners on best practices for assessing and reducing embodied carbon of structural systems. 10-15 minute presentations are solicited from academics and practitioners. All attendees are encouraged to submit a topic, and sessions will be organized based upon the submissions.

  • Case study projects with an embodied carbon focus
  • “Stealth sustainability” — how has embodied carbon wins been achieved without it being a primary project goal?
  • Addressing embodied carbon within firms — how has your firm approached this?
  • Current research in embodied carbon
  • Others topics are most welcome! Email me (jay.arehart@coloroado.edu) if you’d like to discuss any topic ideas.

In an attempt to engage all attendees, in true symposium fashion, we will have a “rapid-fire” afternoon session of short single slide, 5-minute presentations. If you have a nifty idea on embodied carbon that you have been trying on your projects or in your firm, or a ‘flop’ that hasn’t worked out quite how you imagined. This informal session will be a great opportunity o share.

More details about the event with the full agenda, deadlines, and submissions.

Registration is flexible (by day), so join for just day one, day one and two, or all three!

If you’re not quite ready to register, but interested in receiving updates? Sign up for the event’s mailing list.

And lastly, if you’ve made it this far in this post, consider sharing with colleagues who you think might be interested in learning or knowledge sharing!

We hope to see you in beautiful Boulder this summer!