LCA courses for buildings (and materials)

Hi, can anyone point me to online courses and tools for learning how to perform LCA for buildings and building materials? Thanks!

Stefan Pauliuk’s open course is a useful starting place that’s open and free to all. It’s a little bit more focused on the theory of things (less on buildings), but hope that you (and anybody else) find it useful.


Carnegie-Mellon University has an entire course on Box which is available for free with a digital textbook. I have found it useful. I have only started going through the textbook (in chapter 3), but it is an easy read. The Athena Sustainable Materials Institute has several resources as well. Here are the links to both. Hope this helps.


thanks for these resources! much appreciated!

Check out the Carbon Leadership Forum’s LCA Practice guide. Part B goes into examples of conducting an LCA. Check out the roadmap as well-some great ideas of how/when to integrate LCA in practice.

Plus some of the webinars posted HERE give case studies of buildings.


Endeavour Centre has this webinar coming up on the 30th:

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I changed this tag to Education as I see lots of good resources for teaching as well here! We’re starting to pull together a YouTube channel. Any playlists people have we’re happy to link in!

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