Tally updates for Revit 2022?

Has anyone heard word on version updates based on the new changes with Tally being brought under Building Transparency? My office would like to transition soon to Revit 2022, and are building Tally definitions for our template materials into our project template, but right now Tally only supports up to 2021 and we trying to get an ETA for a Tally update that supports Revit 2022.

Any insights helpful.



Good question for @Vaclav and @stacy.smedley1 from Building Transparency!

This is currently being impemented by our partners at KT as part of our ongoing engagement during the Tally transition. I’ll get an update on timeline.

Stacy Smedley
Executive Director, Building Transparency

Thanks Stacy,

Looking forward to the updates!

Dear Stacy,

I would be so thankful if you could please let me know what the “EC3 export” button in Tally does.
Any help is appreciated in advance!


This exports your bill of materials and quantities from Tally and into EC3 as a project, so you can then assign EPD collections and actual EPDs of products specified/procured within EC3 for product stage emissions.

Thank you for the information, Stacy!

Hi @stacy.smedley1

Checking back in on this thread – are there any updates as to when Tally for Revit 2022 will be released? We have a handful of projects starting in R22 that would love to jump into Tally soon.


The release date for Tally for Revit 2022 is now expected to be October 8th, 2021.

Hi Vaclav,

Curious if this is going live today? Or if there are updates on release.


It did not go live. We had some unforeseen delays but are close to the release. We are anticipating release by the end of the month now. Stay tuned.

Thank you for the update!

@Vaclav this was predicting end of October, I think? Any update? (do you need a beta tester? :wink: )

We have completed our part and are now waiting for final approval by Autodesk. It’s at a final review process so not something to be beta tested. Again, hope to have the release news for everyone soon!


Hi @Vaclav,
When updating a Revit model from a previous version of Revit (say Revit 2020) to a newer version like Revit 2022, do you know if the material definitions inputted into the original file will remain? We have a few projects that were interested in transitioning to Revit 2022 mid-design and have started LCA analysis.

Appreciate your help!

This is exciting to hear. Thank you for your dilligent work on this @Vaclav, @stacy.smedley1, and BT team!

Tally 2022 is now available at choosetally.com . Please use the first link (Download Tally 2022 (current))

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Tally definitions persist after Revit upgrade. It’s best to generate a Tally report before and after the upgrade and do at least a high-level comparison to catch any potential errors though.